We’ve Got a New Mobile App

If you’re an existing online and mobile banking customer, we’ll send you an email to let you know when you’ll be able to download and use the new app. New online and mobile banking customers can download the app now.

Live Kōkua

Our Community Spirit

Strengthening the communities where we live and work is our passion. At Bank of Hawaii, our employees care deeply about the place they call home, and volunteer thousands of hours annually to build a better and more vibrant tomorrow.


Live Kōkua Everyday

Year in and year out, our Bank of Hawaii employees give their hearts and hands to support hundreds of non-profits to advance the important work they do.

Community Service Day

Malama the ʻāina

More than 300 Bank of Hawaii employees, family members and friends volunteered earlier today at Papahana Kuaola for a variety of ʻāina-based service work.

Live Kōkua Giving Campaign

Empowering Community Partners

Each year, our employees select and support community non-profits through annual giving. In 2019, employees and retirees raised a record $860,000 for 25 nonprofits to benefit thousands of stakeholders in Hawaii and the West Pacific.

PACT keiki day

Building a Better Tomorrow for Keiki

Bank of Hawaii is proud to support and take part in the annual Parent and Children Together or PACT Keiki Day. Blue Crew volunteers from across the state help to sell $1 special edition newspapers to raise funds to benefit Hawaii’s families. For more information, visit pacthawaii.org.

Working Together

For a better tomorrow

rainbow icon
Live Kōkua

We Live Kōkua everyday.

Learn more
The United Way ALICE® Report

Bank of Hawai'i Foundation supports the ALICE® Report.

Learn more
heart hand
Community Support

We support the community through sponsorships and volunteerism.

Learn more

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