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The Private Bank Clients

The Wong Family

Rita Wong and Dr. William Wong, Sr.
Kerri Wong and Dr. William Wong, Jr.

The Wong Family The Wong Family

“The Lord has blessed and guided our family in so many ways, like leading us to Bank of Hawaii for assistance and advice with our financial needs.” —Dr. William Wong, Jr.

The Wongs are a family of medical and real estate professionals and, as their practices grew, so did their relationship with Bank of Hawaii. Rita Wong is a Realtor® and real estate investor who also owns Rita Wong Realty, Inc., which specializes in real estate sales and vacation rentals. She has depended on Bank of Hawaii Senior Relationship Manager Cori Weston for many years.

Dermatologist William Wong, Sr., MD, owns Hawaii Dermatology & Surgery, Inc., which takes a holistic approach in delivering dermatology care. Ophthalmologist William Wong, Jr., MD, owns Hawaii Vision Clinic, which provides the highest standards of eye care and technology to treat all kinds of eye conditions in adults and children. Bank of Hawaii not only helped these professionals build their businesses, but also played a role in helping Rita and Dr. William Wong, Sr. set up education funding for their grandchildren, and guided Kerri and Dr. William Wong, Jr. in the startup of Hawaii Vision Clinic, and the construction of their family’s dream farm.


2022 Annual Report

125 Years: Celebrating Our Stories

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